









P.J.M. Seminara

Born: 08.04.1964
Instrument: Drums


1986 - 1991   Studies at Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium Musikakademie Frankfurt am Main
1991 - 1992   Studies at Drummers Institute Düsseldorf
1992 - 1998   Studio- and Tour-Drummer for the bands amongst others The Secrets, Sacred Fight, The Ball, Blue Manner Haze, No Vegyzz, etc. Promo-Tours for companies like Baccardi amongst others, Studiowork for Voggenreiter Verlag, Sony Music, Emi-Elektrola etc...
1998   Foundation of the recording studio P.J.M.-Productions

Composition, arrangement and sound design for radio, TV, multimedia applications and film etc.
Created the CD-Serie "Relaxing Wellness"

1998 - 1999   Drummer for The Lords
2000 - 2011  

Drummer for several Cover-Bands
Technical freelance writer, IDG Magazines, a media publishing house, writing test reports, basic contributions and sequential user reports for software and hardware related to audio range.
Production of a series of 6 minute short technical films on "Macwelt TV” format, available on DVD's and added for distribution as part of IDG magazine reports on subjects related to the techniques of audio production. IDG Magazine Media Publishing produces technical periodicals for professionals and others interested in audio production.

Since 2011   Drummer for The Lords
Since 2016   Drummer for No Vegyzz


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